New Member
In Aug. 08 I paid for my daughter's dorm for the fall semester '08. (Stanislaus County, Calif.) I explained to the clerk I was paying for the fall only and that my daughter would not be living in the dorms in the spring. (I knew my dad was dying and that we would have to assume his bills until his estate went through probate. He died Aug 20, 08) My daughter moved home in Jan 09. The school housing office has informed me I owe for the spring semester because my daughter marked "full year" on her on-line application last summer. I became aware of this only when the school informed me in February that we owe $5,000.00+. I have asked for a copy of her contract several times and have received no response. I have talked with the housing manager, explained that I had paid for one semester only and I had informed the clerk it was for one semester only. The housing manager asked for copies of bills we have assumed since my dad's death, which I provided. I was then told by the housing manager our "hardship had to be dire to get out of the contract" Dire, she explained was both myself and my husband "had to loose your jobs and be loosing your home". This was not an issue of finances. I told the clerk in early Aug. 08 I was only paying for the fall semester, that my daughter would be living at home in the spring. This goes back to the fact my daughter hit "full year" instead of fall semester on her on-line application. What do we do? I have called other state campuses, only to find out there isn't a standard policy for any of them. They pretty much do what they want. ?????