Dress Code, Help Me Make a Stand

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I work at a OfficeMax, I recently came into work on October 31st with my eyebrow pierced and was immediately told by the assisatant manager facial piercings of any kind were not allowed, and to take it out or cover it with a bandaid, or that I would have to go home, I took the bandaid option. I asked him to tell me why this was not allowed and he said because it goes against company policy (it's found offensive), he also said tattoos do as well but, they cannot do anythig about them, I asked him what about ear piercing, he said they are only allowed for women. I then questioned him why another male member is allowed to have his ear pierced, he said he did not know about this and would talk to this member. November 1st, I come into work with a bandaid covering my eyebrow with the word freedom written on it. I was approached by my supervisor who said there is to be no writings on bandaids and to change the bandiad or go home.

I believe I should be allowed to display my indviduality by having my eyebrow peirced, I also believe it is sexist to allow women to have their ears pierced but not men, and I also believe not allowing me to write freedom on my bandaid violates my 1st ammendment. I am here for your help so I can fight corporate and change the dresscode that is violating mine and others freedoms.
...I believe I should be allowed to display my indviduality by having my eyebrow peirced, I also believe it is sexist to allow women to have their ears pierced but not men, and I also believe not allowing me to write freedom on my bandaid violates my 1st ammendment....

You believe wrong. If you don't want a job there, then quit and find another job.
You are not correct here. Employers have the right to enfore a dress code and a code of professionalism. If you have face to face contact with people your employer has the right to limit facial hair, pearcings, tattoos, etc..

Also your employee manual probably forbids this.

If you do not like it then you can go find another job.
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