drinking the night before work and getting fired

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so i guess one night i decided to have a couple of beers before work and the next day i showed up and i guess i smelt like alcohol. they do have a no drug or alcohol policy but the drinking was not on the job or right before my shift. it was the night before work and i used to work swing shift so there was plenty of time for the effect to wear off but idk if my body smelt like beer or work clothes or what. so one guy asked me if had a drinking problem and i said yes, from what i understand if they know you have some kind of substance abuse there supposed to help. i dont know if that no alcohol policy well better since it was not on my shit that i had performed the drinking. it did not effect my performance at work and they did not let my employer know until days later so no one alse noticed so the smell must of not bit as bad as he might of made it sound. so one day the guy that i had told messed up at work and thought i had told on him so he went and told the boss that i had showed up to work intoxicated, the thing is that the same day that i had showed up smelling like alcohol they did not perform some kind of test to determent the level in my system. from what i understand they need to have prof that i was intoxicated but they could not prove it cuz it was brought up to attention days later and the boss told me that usually they do some kind of text but obviously they couldn't. he know that had broken up with the girl i was with at the time and me did as if i had broke up cuz of my drinking and i said no because that was not the case, so idk if that's supposed to mean that hes asking me if i am and alcoholic and is supposed to help out or if he just had let me go with out prof witch might of not bin fair, so at the end of the day it was my word against the guy that hald told on me and that was it.. my question is was that ok that i had let go foor being discriminated buy either since i don't know what exactly was said, weather they judged me because of my personal life or they should of let me off for the day or the don't of not received pay or what? what can i do if anything at all?
what can i do if anything at all?

You can learn never to discuss any personal business with anyone but your spouse, your lawyer, or your religious officiant.

You can learn to say, at work when asked any UNRELATED to your job question, "Sorry, but I'm being paid to work, not to chat."

You can get help for any problem or condition you have.

You can seek new employment.

You can file for unemployment.

You can learn from every experience you encounter in life.

Good luck.
was that ok

Yes. It was OK. "At will" employment allows you to be terminated for ANY reason or no reason, even for what you do after hours if the boss doesn't like it.

I suggest you get treatment for your drinking problem so you can stop drinking. Booze makes you stupid and will put your future in the toilet.
You can be terminated in at-will employment at any time for any reason except for a reason prohibited by law - such as your race, religion, gender...... or unless you have a binding employment contract to the contrary.

You need to look for other employment & seek treatment for your drinking problem. You can also apply for unemployment ins. - the state decides if you qualify.

Alcoholism is considered a disability under the ADA & sometimes can require an accommodation. However, that doesn't always mean an employer can't terminate you if you show up at work under the influence or terminate you for other reasons.

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