driver license suspension non dui/dwi

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I live in California. On March 21, 2008. I was involved in an accident. I fell asleep while driving, I have sleep apnea. I was the only car involved. On April 21, 2008 I had a hearing at the DMV. I explained what happened on the day of the accident. The hearing officer gave me a DMV medical form to give to my doctor to fill out, and I did. My doctor wrote I need to be evaluated by a specialist and I shouldn't be driving until the specialist says it's okay for me to drive. On May 17, 2008 the DMV suspended my license. Because of length of time it is taking me to the see the specialist, because he is the only one that my HMO has in my immediate area, The DMV sent me a letter dated July 15, 2008 saying I have 94 days to file a writ mandate with the Orange County superior court or wait until the 94 days pass and deal with the DMV again. The specialist wrote me a letter saying I can drive with certain restrictions. I need guidance of what court forms I need. How long will it take to go through the court system? Stuff like this. If anybody here can't give me specific advice at least tell me where i can go for help.
admin suspension

i live in ca.I was kind of in a little fender bender in march. I was on my way to work and i was looking at my ipod and it fell so when i went to pick it up i went over the curb and i missed the pole but i hit an electrical box it just broke the front pasanger light and dented the fender and hood so i pulled over and called AAA because i had a flat and then a NEWPORT BEACH officer pulled up and asked what happened so i panniced and said i don't remember so to get to the point i stuck with my story i have never been in anything like this befour and i didn't tell him i was reachung for the ipod i said i must of blacked out so he gave me the sobriety test i was not loaded so he gave me a pink notice to contact the administrative office with in 5 days so i go down and at the interview i had conflicting stories the admin officer asked me if i had went to the doctor since the incident i stated yes but i didn't so he asked again and i said no so he said he was going to suspend my driving privlidges untill i got the medical evaluation he said if i get a good medical with no problems he would give my license back so as soon as my medical insurance kicked in i went and the doctor said i was fine she asked if i blacked out i told her i was reaching for my ipod so i call the DMV admin office make and go to the apointment.It wasn't the same guy this lady interviews me and said she would contact me in a conciderable amount of time i waited 35 days and after i called they said i will recieve a letter adviseing me of my wrights the letter says my testimony conflicts with departments documents and i have 94 days to file a writ of mandate . what the F#@K.
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