Drug Houses

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Hi, I heard today from my house insurance company that if the police raid your rental house and finds a Meth Lab. in the house the insurance companys will not ever give insurance on the house again. The insurance agent said the house would be better torn down because you would never get the chimcals out of the walls and ceilings and studs. Have you heard of this before?

Thanks, sid343
Originally posted by sid343:
Hi, I heard today from my house insurance company that if the police raid your rental house and finds a Meth Lab. in the house the insurance companys will not ever give insurance on the house again. The insurance agent said the house would be better torn down because you would never get the chimcals out of the walls and ceilings and studs. Have you heard of this before?
I haven't but if there are issues with flammable chemicals having seeped into the walls and ceilings of the house, then it would seem likely that an insurance company wouldn't care to take the risk of insuring that house unless the premiums were very high to cover the high risk involved.
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