Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Drug Paraphernalia

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New Member
A very curious thing happened yesterday night. My younger brother, he is 19 years old, was riding in a car with several friends. A police officer followed them for sometime. After they pulled into one friends driveway, the police turned on the lights and came up to the car. They asked the driver, not my brother he was a passanger, for her license and registration because it looked like she was slipping around a lot on the ice. They then said they smelled alcohol and asked everyone to get out of the car. They gave them all breathalizers. All of them except the driver blew something, and since they are all underage they all were told they would recieve MIP's. The officers searched the car and found a pipe and a bowl. They told them that if someone did not fess up to who's they were, they would charge them all with MIP's and possesion of drug parphernalia. They were told that whoever fessed up would only recieve the drug parphernalia charge, instead of the MIP. (NOTE:They did not have any drugs or controlled substances with them) So my brother said that the bowl was his, and the driver said the pipe was hers. My brother did not have his ID with him, but did provide a name, address, and phone number. He was told to contact the State Prosecutor, and that a warrant would be issued in 30 days. However, he was not given a ticket, did not sign anything, they did not even give him an name or number of who to contact. Several questions popped into my head. Why did the officers wait until they arrived at the house to stop them, and does it matter that they were on private property? Why wasn't he given a ticket or something stating that he had been in violation of blah blah whatever? Can he get out of this, consedring the drug parphernalia defintion of "may be used to smoke tabacoo" and that he was in the car with several other people and it was not found on his person directly? And lastly, what kind of punishment is he looking at? (We live in and this occured in Michigan, also my brother has never been in trouble prior to this)
Thanks in advance I am very confused
We'll my brother contacted the prosecutor's office today, and they have declined to take legal action against him. The girl who was driving also recieved a drug par. charge, but the prosectuor declined to take action against her, as well. However, the three others will still be facing MIPs. I told my brother that this was his one and only get out of jail free card, and that he better thank his lucky stars he didn't get into the trouble he should have. Hopefully this will be a lesson learned.
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