Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI at Roadblock in Mississippi

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Hi, I'm a grad student in Alabama that received in DUI early Saturday morning in Mississippi. I was coming back from a concert at a bar, leading my friend back to her house while she took our drunk friend home. It was in the "backwoods." I noticed a group of police officers blocking the road with their lights off. I pulled over to the side of the road. They said "Well well look a here. License and proof of insurance. How much have you had to drink?" I said a beer 2 hours a go (I lied.). They told me to blow into a breathalyzer. I complied. They said "a beer huh tell the truth." I said "Maybe more but it has at least been an hour (which I believed it had.). They waved my friend behind me through (who was sober) and asked why I didn't ride with her. I said she asked me to lead her home as she was lost (which she did). They asked me to step out of the car. One officer gave me a field test. It was pretty intense. I don't think I did that bad, but apparently I failed. Meanwhile, they were searching another man they stopped, I believe on suspicion of drug possession. I was placed in the back of the cop car and taken to the station. I was never read any Miranda rights, but was told I was being detained on suspicion of DUI. I blew into the breath machine at the station twice. I blew a .084 and .083. The officer said the lowest reading would be read in court. The officer said he would help me in court since I was about to graduate grad school. I graduated with his brother and he was "Facebook friends" with the girl (a mini-celebrity here) in the car behind me. He said he could get me out of a conviction and seemed genuine. The booking officer (female) was nice and reiterated this to me. I was in a holding cell for 16 hours (because I couldn't adequately communicate with the outside). I finally bonded out. I am mandated to communicate this incident with my school, and the licensing authority in my field. This is pretty terrible for me. I know MS has a non-adjudication procedure that can be used once. I already used some form of this. I got a ticket for rolling through a stop sign before and took defensive driving. I paid the ticket, but it was not put on my record. .08 is the triggering level for a DUI. I have a "clean" record. I was arrested for trespassing 9 years ago in Indiana, but I accepted a pre-trial deferral. I abided by the terms and the charge was dismissed. It was not alcohol/drug related. What are my chances for getting out of this? What can I do?
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You need a lawyer. Plead not guilty at your next court appearance and ask the court to appoint a lawyer to represent you. If you can afford to hire one,do it before your next hearing. From this point forward, mum's the word. So, stop your yammering.

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Yes, an attorney is needed. In the mean time look into the legal requirements for a DUI checkpoint, or whatever reason the road was blocked.
If the roadblock was improper, such as insufficient notice, signs, and lighting, you might find a way out.
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