DUI Hearing in NJ, But Now Moved to NC

My attorney was able to get the arresting officer and the prosecutor to agree to drop the DWI charge because multiple physicians provided medical records proving that I have vestibular issues and naturally occurring nystagmus. That plus I blew a .07. My question is this - is it possible to get a medical card that shows these 2 conditions? I would want to show the card to an officer if I ever get asked to take the field sobriety test again. Suppose I had a BAC of 0.0, but for some reason an officer asks me to step out of the car and I fail the FST and get arrested. I would have to go through the whole process again - at great cost, I might add. Thanks

Sure just ask your doctor for a letter stating this. It won't necessarily get you out of a DUI in the future.
is it possible to get a medical card that shows these 2 conditions?

Ask your doctor. I don't doubt that you might get such a card. I just doubt that it will change the outcome of a traffic stop.

I would want to show the card to an officer if I ever get asked to take the field sobriety test again. Suppose I had a BAC of 0.0, but for some reason an officer asks me to step out of the car and I fail the FST and get arrested. I would have to go through the whole process again - at great cost, I might add.

Then obey all the traffic laws and don't drink and drive. Then you won't have to be concerned about traffic stops.

I can't walk a straight line heel to toe or balance on one foot. But I haven't been pulled over for anything in the past 35 years so I don't worry about it.
I can't walk a straight line heel to toe or balance on one foot. But I haven't been pulled over for anything in the past 35 years so I don't worry about it.

Same here, mate.

I operate under my prime directive, modified from my childhood days FOLLOW THE RULES promulgated my mother and father.

I choose to OBEY society's laws.

I use my cruise control on highways and city streets.

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