Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI dui probation what is california law on probation limits?

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i recieved misdeamenor probation for dui in 2001. agreed to 3 years probation. a trucker who stopped to help got out and played hurt on the ground and said he slammed on his breaks to help me and injured his back. doctors confirmed no injury, he then went to chiropracter who said soft tissue damage, . no surprize there? anyways my insurance paid this man a huge sum and court ordered me to pay restitution as well for medical bills that his insurance already covered. anyways i was ordered to pay 50.00 a month. at end of 3 years, judge extended my probation for 3 more years so i could continue to pay restitution. isnt this a violation of law? isnt there a 3 year minimmax on misdemeanor probation? my original public defender ended up testifying against me! the prosecutor told the judge my probation couldnt be extended it wasnt legal, my new pd conferred with judge and they agreed in this case thaey would make exception. is this legal, have my rights been violated? also the judge originally didnt say i had to pay any restitution until first 3 year probation was up, he then went back and revisited the issue, saying i had to pay what 11,000 at 50.00 a month., all done at time probation was extended for 3 more years... this is a nightmare please help..
Your drivers license in other states can be denied or revoked.
Yes, if I were in your position, I'd speak with a local attorney and see if he or she canwork with CA Probation Officials to get this disposed of, so that I could live my life in complete freedom.

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