Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI violation of probation for community service

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This is my first offence violation of probation for a DUI charge. I have completed IDRC and payed my fines required by probation i have completed very few community service hours and started on a regular schedule with a community service location for 2 weeks. This location has requested i no longer work there at the 3rd week of obtaining work at this location and has contacted my Probation Officer telling her the community service location is upset with me and does not want me to work there. This happened because the community service location provided transportation for me and i woke up late that morning. When I awoke an hour late I checked outside my window to see if they were here. I did not see the community service locations vehicle. Later i come to find out they were in a different vehicle and they saw me looking through the window. I call to try to clear up the situation and they did not want to discuss anything with me and dropped me from there program. My PO said this is the only way i can avoid going to court and i cannot relocate my communtiy service. I have apologiesed to the community service location and still no responce i am truly baffled by this situiation and i need advice on what to expect and what i need to do. I would like to avoid possible jail time if possible. Thank you
Your solution will be found by keeping in contact with your probation officer and smoothing things over. If you are being refused at the location probation has sent you to, then they need to find you another work site. However, you really blew it by oversleeping, and for something as petty as that they could potentially violate you and have you serve your time in custody instead. You are too big on the probation radar. You need to get your ducks in a row and stay off their screen.
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