Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DUI Withheld Judgment after 1 Year - Can I Drop SR-22 Insurance?

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Hi. I had received a DUI about 10 months ago, had a little too much to drink one night at dinner, pulled over for speeding, and blew a .86. When the judge sentenced me (unsupervised probation, fines, worked at Goodwill for 32 hours, class, etc.) he had mentioned that I could file a request for withheld judgment (I believe that's the correct wording??) after 1 year and there was a good chance it would be granted as long as I stayed out of trouble; which I've had. Paid all my fines, did my hours, etc.

I work at home and haven't had a need to reinstate my drivers license yet, and in which I have not needed to get the SR-22 insurance. With summer coming up I will need my license. If however I toughed it out another 2 months before reinstating my license, and did indeed receive a withheld judgement, would I still have to get the SR-22 insurance for 3 years?

I suggest you discuss this with a lawyer.
You need to have a lengthy conversation so you better understand.
You're asking about adjudication withheld, but it's not what you think.
The stain of that arrest and it's stench will linger in your life for years. Yes, SR22, exorbitant insurance rates (assuming you can get insurance), a hassle to get the license back, the nightmare is just beginning.

Some people in your position get a $500 to $2500 clunker. It's mechanically sound, ugly as heck, but it eliminates insuring it.

Talk with your lawyer, this is extremely complicated, and only a pardon will cleanse the filth and the stench away.
Thanks for the info, I'll ask a lawyer. I'm done with everything and just need to pay my license reinstatement fee and the fee for failing the breathalyzer; around $500. The DMV said once I paid those I'll get my license back. Ah ok, I was thinking I had to get SR22 insurance no matter what, but if I have a vehicle that is paid off (which I do) and I only have liability insurance for that; if I drove only that vehicle I wouldn't have to get SR22 insurance?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the info, I'll ask a lawyer. I'm done with everything and just need to pay my license reinstatement fee and the fee for failing the breathalyzer; around $500. The DMV said once I paid those I'll get my license back. Ah ok, I was thinking I had to get SR22 insurance no matter what, but if I have a vehicle that is paid off (which I do) and I only have liability insurance for that; if I drove only that vehicle I wouldn't have to get SR22 insurance?

Thanks again!

Oh, you'll need SR22. You just won't need full coverage on YOUR vehicle.
But, it's much bigger than SR22.
You'll see. By the way, if you get a license, obey all laws. A traffic citation will make your life unbearable. That DUI has changed your life.
Thanks again. How would a traffic citation make my life unbearable? Besides insurance consequences not sure what else about a traffic violation would make it unbearable?
Thanks again. How would a traffic citation make my life unbearable? Besides insurance consequences not sure what else about a traffic violation would make it unbearable?

It all started with the DUI. If you get a speeding ticket on a restricted license, a conviction isn't even needed for the GIVER to take it back. See the best traffic and/or DUI lawyer you can afford. There are traps all over the forest.
Hi all, wanted to give an update on my case. After a year I was able to file/plead for an "order to dismiss pursuant to withheld judgment". The prosecutor first signed off on it, allowing it, and then the judge signed it and I received the court document stating "It is hereby ordered, and this does order, that Defendant's plea of guilty is set aside and the case is hereby dismissed and the effect of the dismissal shall restore the civil rights of the Defendant." I've reinstated my drivers license and did not have to get SR22 insurance.

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