I took a urine ETG 8 panel test that goes back 80 hours, I took test at 38 hour mark, it test the donor for meth, barbiturates, benzodiazepines,cocaine,opiates, propoxyphene,THC, Ethyl. My test was taken as soon as possible which I took at 38 hours all normal/negative with creatine level at 38.5, I have lab verification from lab specialist that my test has not been tamper with it is viable. DA is saying the alcohol was out of my system even through the UA ETG 8 panel drug test is highly accurate and is used by the courts. He does not believe I had a TIA or panic attack even through he has letters from my neurologist, and my trauma counselor and has the test results which are all negatives/normal. What he wants to use is my past charges and police testifying they smelled alcohol when they came to my house, I could have been drunk at my home which I was not that does not warrant a DUI charge. However, if Judge approves past charge at my motions hearing, my attorney says I will possibly lose at trial. I would give up my deal with DA. Again this charge is over a year old, can I assert legal time limitations and have charge dropped? I'm Innocent!!!