Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Dumb Dumb Move

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Did a dumb thing yesterday! A girl from Serbia contacted me and started a chat on facebook, The talk started out innocent and then she started turning it sexual. I asked her age she said 18, even her FB site listed her as 18. so we talk some more and she said would I like to see her vagina. I said hold up, are you over 18? and she states yes and sends a pic of her vagina. The talking goes on, and she send another pic of her vagina and asks for a pic of my penis. I was leery of doing this, so I sent her one from yahoo images, not mine! She maked a few more comments of dirty talk and then dropped off. I am nervous that this was a setup! Again she contacted me first and sent her pics. what could happen here if this is a sting? Not sure why she dropped off quickly. Her site looks legit and everything matched up with her being in Serbia, Friends, interests, and phone number. Kicking myself for this! I dumped my FB and the email attached to the site. Please advise!!!
I'm not sure what legal advice you are looking for. It should go without saying that trading sexual images of any kind with a stranger you come across online is stupid at best.
ElleMD, I know this was stupid! I acted without thinking it out first. Yet she stated she was over 18, she could of lied! She was from Serbia, Just thinking of what kind of trouble I can get into. I read about people being arrested for sexting. I was wondering since she made contact with me first and sent her vagina pic. Like I said, I thought about it right after the incident and dumped my FB and Email that was attached to it. If this was a sting operation how long would it take for the police to make an arrest. Being from another country (Serbia) what are the laws from US to Serbia. How do I know if her site is fake! Just worried!
What are I'm looking for is, am I protected by law if she lie about her age. Do sting operations usually make first contact. I would of never progressed with the chat if the woman was un-age. There should be more protection set in place by Facebook. What are the laws from country to country? If she is even in Serbia!
No, the law doesn't make it that easy for you. You're expected to KNOW the people you exchange pictures of your body parts with, well enough to KNOW what age they are. "She lied about her age" is not an affirmative defense.
Are the chats saved? Not knowing her age might work as defense since you did ask before things turned sexual. I suggest you cease all contact with this person (who may be a man) and if anything does happen with law enforcement answer no questions print the chat and hand it over to your Attorney
Let me tell you a story from about 15 years ago. A female met a male (call him John) in a Yahoo game. John was deaf so he could not talk on phone. He became close with several female game players and grew a fairly good size circle of friends. Some of these women engaged in sex chat with this man. Now a picture was posted on yahoo profile which showed a bald man laying on a couch with his face buried in pillow so it could not be seen. There were many other odd aspects about this man too many to answer. He had cancer so he would get headaches often and his sister (call her Wendy) would fill in on games etc. Phone calls were exchanged with Wendy who would communicate with John via sign language. This went on for several months that I know of until John alledgly killed himself. I had my concerns over this man for quite some time but the means this man used to kill himself did not fit and would be easily traceable. Being a good investigator I used those skills to unwind this ball of yarn. Bottom line there was no John never was John was Wendy a lesbian who was having sexual chat with these females. To make matters worse some of these women actual were or thought they were in love with this man and Wendy had him take his own life with no consideration to their feelings. The story has more to it but its too Jerry Springer to go on. Needless to say when I blew the cover off this charade many were both hurt and angry and Wendy lost some friendships. Although she did gain a lover out of it which actually caused the end of two marriages. My point? do not trust anyone on internet to be honest. Do not give private info, pics etc etc until you really know a person. The internet can be both fun and dangerous.
She has been around on my friends list for awhile and she just out of the blue IM'ed me the other morning! Yes she/or he could be on the next block. She did add pictures every so often. most of her friends list are people from Serbia as well as her music interests. The cell phone number she has listed is a Serbian area code and number. The pictures that she is in, the background doesn't look like anything in the US. The houses and buildings look foreign. I can't be sure 100% but it very well seems she is far away.
I did shut down the Facebook site and the email address I used to open it. I thought it could be a man too, but over the last 8 months she has been moving pic around and liking peoples comments. What is freaking me out is when she finally got the penis picture I sent her, she made a couple comments and drop from the conversation and ignored me. I didn't send my penis, it was a yahoo pic I found. She had sent me 2 pictures of her vagina. The picture thing was her idea. Her pic could of been a searched pic too. She stared saying how wet she was and that she was drinking heavily. The whole thing seemed odd that why I'm concerned.
Thank you for the story! deception is a bitch! People share nude pix on FB all the time. I had no idea the severity of passing photos around. I obey the law and I would never do something like this with someone under age! I have always been lucky enough to date pretty women. Not sure if I'm over reacting, but it doesn't feel right. I am trying to do some detective work on this girl, from what I can tell is that she has a lot foreign friends, likes euro music, has a Serbian phone number, and rotates her pictures from time to time. I cut contact with her, completely!
I would not worry about investigation at this point the damage is done. Cease all contact and do not reply to any message she or someone she knows sends. As I stated save all chats, texts, emails etc you have just in case. If contacted by Police you say NOTHING!!! You tell them yes I am dummy2014 and I would like a Lawyer present during any questioning on this issue. they might badger you or say "hey were just talking" doesn't matter you say nothing. Keep repeating you want a Lawyer. When you see your lawyer (if it gets that far) show only your Lawyer the contact info you have.
Thank you for your responses! I have done exactly what you said the day of the chat. I cut everything off I don't have a presents on FB anymore.
Thank you for your responses! I have done exactly what you said the day of the chat. I cut everything off I don't have a presents on FB anymore.

If you still have the device used to post, nothing has been destroyed.
I'm told by those that were in similar positions that to be safer, it's wise to destroy (not just hide, but destroy) the device (or devices) used to post or email the alleged photos and engage in the chats.

One guy even destroyed his modem and routers, just to be extra careful.

Does it work?

The PoPo came a knocking, and dude was never charged.
They tried to bully him not confessing, but he says he invoked, kept smiling, endured the storm, Ann's learned a very valuable and somewhat expensive lesson.
He said it would have been far more expensive and troublesome had he been convicted.
Destroying your computer might be taking things a bit far based on paranoia and stupidity alone. What is done is done. Your home PC isn't the only place that data lives if indeed anything is going to come of it. Now it is perfectly possible to meet friends online (I have many times including some very good ones here) but we don't trade body pics.
Actually I met my wife online and we have been together for 13 years! I do not recommend people meet that way even though it worked for us. However yes it can happen if all parties are honest and open as my wife and I were then and now. By the way we didn't start off with can I see your boobs either. We just talked about ourselves. The other stuff came later
ElleMD, You know that men are driven by their penises and sometimes clouds the thinking. After this whole chat thing happened, I started looking up rules and laws of sex chatting, and it freaked me out. It wasn't like I provoked the chat, she or he did out of the blue.
I was reading, that the law has to have proof that a man willing knows that he is talking to a minor. The decoy would say "I'm really 15" If the male continues with a sexual chat knowing the girl was a minor, then this would be grounds for an arrest. This wasn't my case I asked her point blank, "are you over 18". She replied Yes. I am going to try to relax here. Thanks for talking with me! I learned a lesson here. I been prayed to God for forgiveness! Not sure why I even participated in the chat. This is not me!!!! Thank you for all who replied! I will pray for your guys too, for helping an idiot like me!
There can be other laws impacted even if she/he is over 18, not to mention many other allegations and embarrassments. Best advice is not to put anything online you would not want your mother/pastor/boss/kids to see. Electronic records are forever. Just because you deleted it does not mean someone else didn't save it or it isn't sitting on some hackable server somewhere. Google "snapchat leaked photos". Do you really want to explain to Mom why you had a picture of someone else's private parts and sent them to a stranger online? A judge?
Just having no more contact with her is all you can do for now & just hope nothing comes of this. If it does, then get a lawyer.
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