Duplicating evidence in two trials?

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I am involved in a case right now involving a landlord/tenant problem. We have already been to court once and I am now in the appeal process.
Here is a quick summary. I moved out of a duplex at the end of my lease. During the same week, my neighbor who lived in the other side of the duplex also moved out. The landlord failed to provide either party with a detailed list of costs incurred while cleaning the units. We both sued him. My case came up about a month ago and the ruling was against me. I appealed. Me neighbors case was ruled in her favor granting her the entire amount of her deposit.
My neighbor was involved in my trial and has seen evidence submitted by the old landlord in my case. She believes he used the exact same receipts as evidence in her case as he did in mine. Is this legal? I am in the process of obtaining copies of evidence submitted in her case. If he did use the EXACT same documents as evidence in the two different cases, is there any action I should take?
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