Duration of traffic violations on record in NC

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New Member
My husband recently received a citation for running a red light (that had stayed red through 3 cycles, but that's another issue). He has not received a ticket in over 20 years, however, prior to that he had multiple speeding tickets and even a revocation. Will it depend on the judge, or should he try to change his plea to a prayer for judgement and be careful for the next 3 years?
He could check with the DOT to see if they had to repair that particular light. If so then he should be able to get the charge dismissed unless he almost hit someone. Was he on a bike? Sometimes they do not trip the sensors.

The old items are gone so he can just take a PFJ.
Red light violations can frequently be plead down to "city code violations" which don't appear on your driving record at all. Might take a lawyer, though.

Not a lawyer, been to traffic court a lot.
On a side note, if you are at an intersection in NC, if you are not behind the big white line (which can be different for the left turn lane,) and well behind where you think it should be, you won't trip the sensor. People tend to creep up when the light doesn't change quickly, and they move off the sensor and it never trips. Furthermore, I would wait a lot more than 3 cycles before I ran it (like 10-15 minutes.)

As to the actual record question, convictions stay on forever, different items require a look-back of different periods. For instance 3 years is the look back period for insurance and work driving records. When you get a traffic record for court, it goes back 7 years. DWI's go back forever. Insurance looks back 3 years for PJC's to determine if you can use a new one.

Not a lawyer, this isn't legal advice, been to traffic court a lot.
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