Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI DWI + REFUSAL & poisoned

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I took a man to another town, to work on a van someone said he could have if we could fix it. We arrived at a trailer home, and i saw no van. He said wait i'll be right back. He went into the home and a man and woman came out and invited me to sit at a table in the yard. I had never met them. The woman offered me a drink from a half pint vodka bottle. I drank 3 shots. Twenty minutes later i awoke from an unconsious state. I was disoriented and got out of my car. There was a deputy sherriff there and he arrested me for DWI. I saw tire marks in their yard,and my car was resting against their storage building. In a loud voice I told the deputy" that woman poisoned me" I told him how she had done it, but he ignored me. It all happened in their yard. PRIVATE PROPERTY. I refused to blow at the station. I was the victim of a Class C felony.
. . . I can drink 101 proof, and I can tell it's 101 proof. 180 proof would probably make me throw up immediately. . .

are you on any prescription medications? Sometimes that mixed with alcohol can cause bad side-effects. . .
Without a chemical test, you have effectively removed any good scientific proof of your allegation.

Consult local counsel immediately.

- Carl
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