DWI with no Probable Cause Affidavit

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New Member
I have been in court for almost two years battling a misdemeanor DWI. What is strange about this case is that there is not a Probble Cause affidavit and have never had to make bond, never stayed one night in jail. I plead not guilty for the charge. There have been 3 requests from the judge for the DA to get a probable cause affidavit because in my last scheduled appearance I did not appear in order to not waive my right to have a probable cause affidavit. In order to arrest me and charge me, the affidavit has to be present. Is it true that the statute of probable cause affidavits is for 2 years?
I would file a motion with the clerk of the court, and I would ask that your case
get dismissed due to the lack of evidence and due to the fact that the DA has not
been able to give any documentation to the judge as requested.
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