Dysfunctional Department

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My sibling is currently a peace officer in a city where his chief is currently in jail and the srgt. is on administrative leave. He is five days shy of completing his probationary period at his department. There have been NO disciplinary actions against him. His certificate of completion of probation verifying the beginning of his employment and the end of the probationary period needs a signature of a supervising officer, or the city manager.
Without this certificate it jeopardizes his career and future with other departments since it's almost certain they will disban the department.
My sibling was recently handed a letter stating the extension of his probationary period by six months simultaneously with a letter of administrative leave releasing him off "all duties".

As a public servant of this city my sibling has been "blind-sided". Where is the due process? He realized it was inevitable that he would have to seek employment elsewhere due to the actions of his superiors. Yet, most departments REQUIRE the certificate of completion.

Now he's on extended probation and on leave for a department that will soon no longer exist. The city manager claims he does not have the creditials to sign the certificate. On the other hand, the chiefs contract has been terminated effective next month. His case has not been adjudicated and is technically still the chief (in jail) until next month.

Any advice????
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Check the local laws to see if he can file an appeal to have either the city manager or someone in a similar position validate his certificate since the chief's incarceraton can be considered an exception before local laws. Good Luck!
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