e-mail harrassment

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New Member
My husband is having an online affair, I have sent her 3 or 4 e-mails. She says she will have me brought up on harrassment charges. I have not threatened her, only tell her to leave my husband alone and that she is a home wrecking bi---! Does she have any grounds to stand on, and if so, why don't I have a right to fight for my family?:rolleyes:
People often threaten to bring up harrassment charges. These typically go...nowhere.

If you wish to fight for your family, you should be turning away from the computer and looking at the guy who sits across from you at dinner, chewing on his meat loaf and mashed potatoes. Your husband is the one you should be focusing on if you wish to "fight for your family".

No one put a gun to this guys head and forced him to have an online affair. Your energy should be focused on him.

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