E Visa e2 visa

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New Member
Can someone please explain why E2 Visa is as follows:
A. Only a two or five year visa
B. Not transferrable to Green Card
I cannot understand the logic behind it, no one is going to invest $80,000+ on a business plus the cost of buying a home and all the other costs associated with moving to USA from the UK, to go back after two years.
It is a big decision to move countries in itself, but to get here settle in to an American lifestyle just get your business flowing and then have to go back to UK to get a renewal for another two or five years seems completely nonsensical to me, not too mention the cost both in travel and loss of earnings as well.
Would like to know the actual reasoning behind this ruling and can anything be done to improve the situation.
You see, the point is exactly the opposite of your viewpoint. This visa is not meant for people who mainly want to move to another country and start a new life and lifestyle there, but for people who want to trade between countries, whose main purpose is to facilitate trade, but who actually are quite happy in the country where they are from. So the idea is like this:

Trader Joe is from London, England, where he likes to live. He is a serious trader in widgets and exports most of his widgets to the U.S. In order to to expand his business in the US he needs to set up a distribution network in the States. Because of the amount of work involved the best thing for him to do would be to move to the States, do the set up work there, and then return home to his country after the network works and he has appointed a manager and so on. This all can be done in approximately 3 years. He will get the E visa for three years.

I guess now you see the picture for what the E visa actually was meant.

There is nothing you can do about it, this is the law.
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