Parole, Probation Early Probation Termination

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I was serving 3 years of felony probation with a curfew restriction, I recently went to court (without a lawyer)to ask to have my curfew removed, the judge granted my motion to remove my curfew additionally she said she is also going to put in a motion or order (I can't remember her exact wording) for early termination of probation on the day that all court cost etc. are paid in full, the state had no objections. However while review my orginial probation orders they specifically say no early termination of probation. So my question is will the early termination happen or not? Do I have to go back to court?
Thanks in advance!
Even if the Online docket literal states: Order granting Prose/MTN to remove curfew modify prev imp cond(s) of probation as follows: curfew is hearby removed and probation is to automatically terminate upon payment of all financials.
Your making the assumption that latest order revokes old one! Its never ever wise to assume! My previous answer remains unchanged. Go back to court with this new order see if you can get old order changed or if this new order voids old one!
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