Parole, Probation Early probation termination

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Hi! I am currently serving a sentence of Theft By Taking 1st Offender for 5 Years Probation. I have paid back all restitution and all court/probation fees. I am currently 28 months into my sentence (almost 2 1/2 years.) I have not been in any trouble besides a minor speeding ticket that my probation officer knew about. I did have an attroney for my case which was a lot of money but it kept me out of a lot of trouble. My probation officer said when I went on Nonreport that I could get an early termination on my sentence and told me to contact a public offender. I know that I will have to pay because I do have a job and work hard that it will be hard to get any help. I need to know if this is something I could do myself or if I should get an attroney again. I have had a hard time getting some jobs but they did work with me and gave me a chance thank god. I even had to get a special approval by the state board for my State Board Licensing. I just want this off my record and to be done with. I have to deal with it every day and night, and I know by being fully off of probation it will not go away with what I did but will mend that place in my life. My family lives out of state and my probation officer acts like it the hardest thing in the world by writing a travel pass. Also if this helps th judge did approve me out of the country travel pass.

Hi! I am currently serving a sentence of Theft By Taking 1st Offender for 5 Years Probation. I have paid back all restitution and all court/probation fees. I am currently 28 months into my sentence (almost 2 1/2 years.) I have not been in any trouble besides a minor speeding ticket that my probation officer knew about. I did have an attroney for my case which was a lot of money but it kept me out of a lot of trouble. My probation officer said when I went on Nonreport that I could get an early termination on my sentence and told me to contact a public offender. I know that I will have to pay because I do have a job and work hard that it will be hard to get any help. I need to know if this is something I could do myself or if I should get an attroney again. I have had a hard time getting some jobs but they did work with me and gave me a chance thank god. I even had to get a special approval by the state board for my State Board Licensing. I just want this off my record and to be done with. I have to deal with it every day and night, and I know by being fully off of probation it will not go away with what I did but will mend that place in my life. My family lives out of state and my probation officer acts like it the hardest thing in the world by writing a travel pass. Also if this helps th judge did approve me out of the country travel pass.


Early termination is possible, but so is space travel.
Space travel isn't possible without LOTS of money.
Why not speak with a couple of local attorneys and see if they think you can receive an early termination.
Early termination is hard to get, and your record must be exemplary.
Some judges consider a speeding ticket to be as big a blot as using dope.
But, local attorneys know the sentencing judge's likes and dislikes.
They can counsel you if the investment will possibly pay off in the reward you seek.
TThe good news is, the initial consultation is usually free.
So, you've got nothing to lose.
Don't get your hopes up.
You've got less than 24 months left, so if you don't get it, probation will be over quickly.
Besides, every time you think probation is tough, remember you could be sweating it out in some crappy Georgia prison.

(They don't have air conditioning and the food sucks!)

You could even be fighting off the amorous advances of Big Bubba or Willie Walnuts nightly!

Being free, even with conditions, is pretty darned good.
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