Parole, Probation early termination motion complication

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hello, i plead out to flee and elude at high speed adjudication was withheld with 100 hrs community service,defensive driving course,& 18 months felony probation with eligibility of early termination after 9 months. ive completed 102 hours community service,did my driving course,payed all my court fines,and have been on probation 10 months as of today. i had my legal council file a motion for early termination and i have an arrangement sometime next week.the problem is they switched my officer at 7 months and then just switched them again to another officer at 10 months and im aware i need an officers approval for early release, my previous officer told me today to call next week and find out who my new probation officer is and my next office visit date,but my arraignment is next week. im confused because i have no clue who my new officer is and my court dates next week. im nervous and dont know what is to come or how its going to be handled..any advice ??
You should be posing ALL of your questions to your lawyer. That's why you hired him or her. There is no way we can do anything but guess. If your PO, whoever that might now be, hasn't submitted a report, the entire matter will likely be continued.

So, you'll know sooner or later.
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