Parole, Probation early termination of probation

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I took an alford plea to criminal sexual conduct in the 2nd degree in 1999, and was placed on probation for 25 years.Since then the law has changed, and my probation officer is not allowed to let me off probation early, nor recommend it.I tried calling court administration to get a hearing with the Judge, but was told I need to file a motion.They wouldnt tell me which form I need to file, as they say they are not allowed to give legal advice.What I am trying to find out is if their is a form I need to file, or could I just write a letter to the judge?
Your best bet might be to contact a lawyer regarding this.
I took an alford plea to criminal sexual conduct in the 2nd degree in 1999, and was placed on probation for 25 years.Since then the law has changed, and my probation officer is not allowed to let me off probation early, nor recommend it.I tried calling court administration to get a hearing with the Judge, but was told I need to file a motion.They wouldnt tell me which form I need to file, as they say they are not allowed to give legal advice.What I am trying to find out is if their is a form I need to file, or could I just write a letter to the judge?

What you desire requires a motion (pleading) to be filed before the court.
If the motion is accepted, you'll be allowed to argue your case.
But, don't think it's a form, or anything similar to a form.
You'll need to learn criminal procedure, pleadings, and other legal nuances.
Most Asher's can't do what you wish, as it broaches upon appellate pleadings and post-conviction relief.
I suggest you speak with a local lawyers. The initial meeting is normally FREE.
Caution: without your PO's endorsement, you're spinning your wheels. Even with it, after about half way in, I'd give it a 5-7% chance of success. Tats in Minneapolis, rural Minnesota, cut that by half.
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