Easement and right of way

James R Feehery

New Member
My wife and I own a end unit townhouse within a five unit building. The northeast corner of the townhouse requires some repairs due to moisture. The electric boxes for the building are located in the area. For me to repair the damage the electric boxes need to be moved away from the townhouse for access to the siding for removal. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

JR Feehery
My wife and I own a end unit townhouse within a five unit building. The northeast corner of the townhouse requires some repairs due to moisture. The electric boxes for the building are located in the area. For me to repair the damage the electric boxes need to be moved away from the townhouse for access to the siding for removal. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

JR Feehery
Any comment on what? You didn't ask a question.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure what sort of comments you're expecting or think anyone can provide intelligently based on the dearth of information in your post.

You need to be speaking with your neighbors and/or the owner's association and should hire a qualified contractor to do the work.

Also, what does this have to do with an easement or right of way (as mentioned in the subject header of your post).
I suspect the OP is either having trouble getting authorization to move the boxes for the repairs, or would like to have the condo association pay for it. (Maybe a combination of the two.) It would be nice to get a clarification.

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