ebay theft

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I need someone to represent me in pursuing obtaining these items.

I purchased 2 Case model 1030 tractors from the Ohio Land & Equipment Inc. One for $3287 paid on May 16, 2008. Funds wired by bank transfer from Cambodia to:

Ohio Land & Equipment Inc.
Sherry Wade
Fifth Third Bank
3990 Broadway
Grove City, OH 43123
Routing Number is: 042000314
Account Number is: 7281885777

The other tractor was purchased for $3800 on June 1, 2008 and paid for through paypal transaction ID # 3UD35963GC666704L. Neither item has been received.

I last contacted ebay 10 days ago regarding this problem on 2 Case 1030 tractors purchased from: (ebay ID) ohiolandcompany. Ebay item # #120256457206 paid $3278 May 16, 2008, and #290234096222 paid $3800 June 2, 2008. They have never been released for pick up. We have had multiple delays with the last coming on Sept 23 (attached below). Since this has gone on so long I can only assume the worst. This loss involves more than $7000.00 and is from an Orphan Care Agency I represent. We have tried the contact information ebay sent us on Oct 6 with no responses from the Wades after more than 25 attempts at both email and phone contact.

E-mail: sherry43143@peoplepc.com
User ID: ohiolandcompany
Name: Sherry Wade
City: Grove City
State: OH
Country: US
Phone: 740 869 9575

We received this from ebay:

"I'd recommend that you report the seller to the police, in your area as well as the seller's location. Please tell the officer assigned to the case that we will be pleased to help in the investigation."

This is what we received from Sherry Wade on Sept 23, 2008:

We will call him sometime tomorrow. We just got over 200 heifer calves in and we are super busy but my husband will call him after he gets done tomorrow.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ted Olbrich
To: 'S. Wade'
Cc: 'Lou Binninger' ; 'Betty Kessler'
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 1:15 PM
Subject: !030's P/U


Here is the trucker's info: Please call him as he wants to get the tractors this week.

Bob Kessler
Cell: 217-341-1267
Home: 309-547-5519

Email: kesslerihf@yahoo.com


Ted Olbrich

We ship internationally and buy up Case Tractors for the orphans to rebuild. We have received Sherry Wade's multiple delays and have email records of them which we can produce. The items were paid by wire transfer which can be verified. Please help us. If the Wades have the tractors please have them contact the trucker listed above for pickup information.

Thank you!

Ted Olbrich,
Jeff and Sherry Wade
I read your complaint about the Wades and I don't know if this will help, but I have their home address:
13332 Tenny Road Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143

There parents names are Gary and Pat Wade and their address is:
Nioga Toops Road Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143

Jeff was arrested 2 weeks ago in Pickaway County, Ohio and transferred to Delaware County on passing bad checks. This may be a good time to go after him. He is out of jail. Court date is set for June 09.
You aren't the only ones that have been scammed.

Good luck!
Jeff Wade indicted

If you have suffered a loss at the hands of Jeff Wade, call the Pickaway County (Circleville, Ohio) sheriff at 1-740-474-2176. Sheriff Dwight Radcliff is the oldest sheriff in the US and the longest standing sheriff. Jeff wade, hes wife Sherry Wade, and Jeff's father Gary Wade were indicted by a local grand jury on a 21 count charge of racketeering. The sheriff has listed in the paper that he wants to speak to anyone who has lost to the Wades. Thank you, Joe
hunt for the wade's

I found this link wile looking for the Wade's. They cashed a check thru Ohio land tat waas not intended for them. I ave a call into te sheriff to give him my info. I am stunned that the banking industry is not more responsible to stop this.

Does anyone have any updates?
It hasn't been to court yet. Last we knew they were still talking to people. If you haven't heard anything try calling back.
Patricia "Pat" Wade

I was fortunate.
I bid and won a piece of equipment for a total price of $1633.01.
I was not going to be able to pick the equipment up until the first of October.
Pat Wade asked for a deposit. I forwarded a one hundred dollar deposit which was received on Sept. 24th.
I began making plans to drive to OH on the first weekend in Oct. and contacted Pat Wade via email through "ebay". I requested phone numbers for contact as we made our way up to Mt. Streling.
I received an email from "ebay" alerting me to the fraud.
I contacted the Pickaway County Sheriff's Office and reported her to the detective. I then cancelled my $100 deposit check that does not look like it had been cashed as of today.
I sure hope this kind of person goes to jail.
Victims of Jeff and Sherry Wade via Ebay

Wow. We are shocked. Over a year ago, my fiance purchased a combine from Jeff Wade (ohiolandcompany - Ebay user ID), and as of today, never received it. All this time, we thought it was due to poor communication in getting the thing delivered. For the first few months, Gary and Jeff exchanged a few phone calls trying to set up a "trucker", yet Jeff always seemed to have an excuse. Consequently, over time, we almost forgot about this purchase... till just today. Then I reminded Gary about it. When I went to find his email through Ebay, I was a bit uncomfortable in learning that they were no longer registered. First red flag. Then I Googled Ohio Land Company, and Bingo, I got this forum. Along with the bad news. We were scammed. Here all this time we thought it was just a matter of lining up a trucker to deliver the combine to Rochester, NY, where we live.

Great. Now we just learned we're out $1851.00! Real nice, especially since my fiance just got had by a general contractor out of Okalahoma for $98,000! This is now in Supreme Court. Seems this out of state contractor was a major embezzler, and the owners of the project apparently had no clue. My fiance, who did all the site work, is now out all this money. And he had to pay his subs out of pocket tens of thousands! So this $1851.00 is almost painless. Just par for the course in a world of dishonest people.

I imagine there will be little chance for him to recover his money from these people. However, we do want to press charges. I have already called the Sheriff's Department in this forum and left my name and number for the detective to call me back.

Sad part is, Gary does a lot of shopping on Ebay -- for farm equipment, mostly -- and now he has a huge red flag wagging in front of his eyes wondering, Will I get taken again?

Sad this is what the world is coming to.

Thank you to those who posted the contact info in this thread. I will update when I get any more information on my end.
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