Educator Seeking Advice on Measures Student Learning Wording (Educator Effectiveness Evaluation)


New Member

I want to know if the following MSL wording adheres to the Colorado Education Department regulations. I don't think it does. My admin from my previous school MADE us type this exact wording in. ALL OF US, even ESS teachers. The school was a Title-1 school in a lackluster performance district. There is a LONG story that accompanies this post, but I simply need opinions about the MSL wording. Legal or not?

My union president says that it is not legal, my old admin argued that it is.

I would love your opinions too. Please!

Much Less Than ExpectedLess Than ExpectedExpectedMore Than Expected
Fewer than 65% of my students showed a 80% achievement on the test.65.1%- 75% of my students showed a 80% achievement on the test.75.1%- 85% of my students showed a 80% achievement on the test.More than 85% of my students showed a 80% achievement on the test.
Everything I read on the CDE site says GROWTH, not achievement. All of my MSLs before this and after this were growth, meaning a pre and a post test, with evidence that a certain percentage of students demonstrated a growth in understanding of concepts. Wording in the CDE regulations even states that there should be TWO points of data to demonstrate growth. Achievement is NOT a demonstration of growth. I have always had stellar state evaluations until this particular year. And I will NOT COOK THE BOOKS (meaning change scores to make results amazing). I have a set of ethics. Cooking the books is not one of them.

Measures of Student Learning/Outcomes (MSLs/MSOs): Overview and Requirements | CDE


Most Damning:

1.22 "Student Academic Growth" means the change in student achievement against Colorado Academic Standards for individual students between two or more points in time; however, it can be measured in other ways as described below. For Principal and Teacher evaluation systems, there should be multiple measures to assess Student Academic Growth. One of those measures may be the results of statewide summative assessments. Student Academic Growth may also include other standards-based measures that are rigorous and comparable across classrooms of similar content areas and levels. As set forth below, a limited portion of Student Academic Growth may be based on the performance of all students at a school in which a Teacher or Principal is employed. Student Academic Growth also may include gains in progress towards postsecondary and workforce readiness, which, for Principals, may include performance outcomes for successive student cohorts. Student Academic Growth may include progress toward academic and functional goals included in an individualized education program and/or progress made towards Student Academic Growth Objectives. For the purposes of measuring effectiveness, expectations of student academic growth must take into consideration diverse factors, including but not limited to special education, student mobility, and classrooms with a student population in which ninety-five percent meet the definition of high-risk student as defined in section 22-7- 604.5(1.5).

That can be found on page 2 of the following document: CCR 301-87
It really doesn't matter what a bunch of strangers on the internet think. If you have concerns, speak with your district's legal counsel. That's what they're there for.

Additionally, your topic is technical in nature and requires research beyond what should be expected from volunteers.
Since you are no longer at that school, why are you asking about it now? I suggest you follow a step process here. First, if your current school uses this method, have your union rep raise the issue with the school and the school board. That's what a union is supposed to do, after all. Second, contact the Colorado Department of Education and ask it to review the teacher evaulation system your school uses.

No one here will be able to tell you if the school is violating state in some way for two reasons. First, all the facts surrounding teacher evaluation in your district are needed to make that determination and we don't have that. Second, providing a legal opinion on the specific way your school evaluates teachers may only be given by an attorney licensed in Colorado. Most of the people participating here are not lawyers and so far as I know, only one regular contributor to this forum resides in Colorado.

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