EEOC Decision Without a Hearing (Summary Judgement) dated 06/5/ 2013

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Finally a decision and not in a good way.

Question I wish to File an EEOC Appeal but am confused about a section Title Notice to Parties

To the Agency
Within forty(40) days of receiving this decision and the hearing record, you are required to issue a final order notifying the Complainant (Myself) whether or not you will fully implement this decision. You should also send a copy of your final order to the Administrative Judge.

To the Complainant(myself)
You may file an appeal with the Commission's Office Federal Operation when you receive a final order from the Agency informing you whether the Agency will or will not fully implement this decision, you must simultaneously file an appeal with the Office of Federal Operations in accordance with 29 C.F.R.1614.110(a) From the time you receive the Agency's final order, you will have thirty(30) days to file an appeal

1)Long story short do I have to WAIT 40 days for the opposing party(the Agency) to respond or can I file my appeal from the time I receive the Administrative Judge's Summary Judgement decision?

2) When I submit my appeal can I provide additional information -->documentation, testimony and affidavits that was not present in my response to Summary Judgement? Dated Oct 1, 2012.

3)Despite my Summary Judgement Decision can I have my case heard in a different forum example civil hearing or must I stick with the EEOC Appeals process?

4)Are there any other resources I could use to help me compare similar cases like mines, law library or websites?

5)Does ANYONE know of any kind of EEOC Legal Aide/Society/Assistance, workshops, student lawyers, paralegals ANYTHING!!!! that can HELP a VETERAN such as myself out PLEASE am Begging on bended knees near the the San Antonio,TX Area at present time I am UNEMPLOYED this case was filed April 22, 2011 and am just now getting my Summary Judgement 2013??
In case you were wondering The Motion for Summary Judgement was filed August 2012. Yes it took 4days shy of 10months of waiting. I know its not much by some standards but when your unemployed and having to use a public library to check your email 10months is an eternity

If anybody out there can throw me a bone of any kind it would truly be appreciated. Moral of this story its one thing to be a private patient of a hospital, but think several times before you seek employment there.

If you think am joking or being bitter go to EEOC website and look up Press Release 05/15/2013 Titled EEOC Issues Revised Publications on the Employment Rights of People with Specific Disabilities

Now go under the section of Intellectual Disabilities there you will see part of what happen to me and not so funny part of my case I was perceive to have intellectual disability.


We don't want to be named in a libel suit, or an invasion of privacy matter.
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The first case I ever won was an EEO age discrimination await for my father.

That case took almost a decade for dad to prevail, and eventually had to be litigated in a federal district court.

Most of these cases, especially against governmental entities take a decade, if they get that far.

I suggest you read the details and instructions provided with your decision.

Or, speak with a local lawyer.

In the meantime, prepare yourself for a very long, tough slog.

I suggest you seek employment while you wait.
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