EEOC time frames in Illinois

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I believe I lost my job through discrimination & called the EEOC. The EEOC said it is discrimination & charges were filed against the company in Sept. 2007. The only thing I've heard from the EEOC since then is that the case is under investigation & the company refused to go to meditation. The EEOC said they will contact me if they need me. How long does an investigation usually take? If the EEOC does find in my favor, will I be entitled to any other rewards besides back pay? I had to close out my 401k account because of this, I am also suffering from depression & taking anti-depressants and talking to a counselor. The job loss also put a huge strain on my marriage & I think I am going to be getting a divorce. Should I keep following up with the investigator or leave her alone & wait for her to contact me?
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