Effect of arrests on my character and health

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New Member
I will try to make this as short as possible.
My ex wife went to a Family Court Judge and lied to get an order of protection to put me out of our home. That same day she called my own therapist to tell him that I was a "paranoid schizophrenic,drunk,drug addict and violent"
She then began a crusade to defame me to even my own family and successfully convinced my own daughter-in-law to put me back out on the street. She then came to the hotel where I was satying and told the desk clerk that I had no money to pay the bill and I was soliciting prostitutes in the hotel room.
Now, in November of 2004, she had me arrested 3 times for allegedly sending her email technically violating a non communication order of protection. Even though my name was not on the emails , she filed complaints with the State Police and I was subsequently arrested AT MY JOB , in front of my coworkers, customers and employer.
After the last arrest on November 10, I was remanded to the County Jail and then released when my son posted $500 bail. On November 12,2004, I checked myself into a local mental health facility havng a nervous breakdown. I was riddled with fear that I would be arrested again. I want to mention that I suffer from clinical depression and Panic disorder. I was forced to leave my job after my release from the hospital because of my depression and have not yet returned to work because of the depression. I see a therapist every week and it will be sometime before I am able to be back to where I was before this all happened.
Do I have a legal case in suing for both defamation and for damages(medical costs,loss of wages,punitive damages) because of her accusations and lies???

I am a real mess. I was on top of the world before this all happened. I was working fulltime, had my own side business, was socially active.etc. Now I am home all of the time, I can't work,I cry constantly, cringe when I see a State Police car , etc.
Mutual friends avoid me due to her lies and some family members still treat me with distain.
If her allegations are false and she knew that and instigated this whole mess intentionally to hurt you you will have a couple of legal cases against her. There would be the torts of defamation, false light, intrusion into privacy, interference with contractual relations, intentional infliction of emotional distress, malicious prosecution or abuse of process and may be one or two more. Now, be aware that truth will be a defense for her. If what she says is true you will have much less of a case.
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