my 85 year old father lives with me ( mom is deseased). we recently updated his will. his only assets are an annuity and social security and an income from the sale of his home deposited monthly into his checking account, my name is also on this account. i have power of attorney also. i am his only child and sole bennificiary. lawyer said that if dad goes into a nursing home they will take all assets (except his auto) before medicaid would help him. told me to take my name off checking acct. and use POA to sign checks. i went to the bank and they said they never heard that before and advised me to leave my name on because if he should pass on, the POA would stop and i wouldn't be able access those funds to pay any bills. i am so confused...what kind of problem would i have being a co-owner on that account. also dad has been paying for some utilities and other things. i take care of him and take no rent. he insists i use some of his money. i don't want trouble from medicaid by doing this. the only way he will ever be put into a nursing home is if i no longer can care for him at home. what can i do?