Elderly terminal parent facing debt collection

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A process server just attempted to serve my Mother, (who is permanently placed in a nursing facility with a terminal illness) for a credit card bill which has been unpaid for quite some time. When she became disabled due her illness (ALS) approximately 6-7 years ago she moved into my home, out of her home with her husband. She ceased to pay her credit card bill at that time. Her husband refused to pay any of her bills when she moved in with my family. Due to caregiver bills and expenses of caring for her, she was unable to pay this bill. Her husband went into a nursing facilty approximately 2-3 years ago and is cared for under Medi-Cal. I am assuming he is still alive, but have had no contact with him in 2 years. My Mother has been in a facilty since February of 2007, also covered by Medi-Cal. There are no remaining assets for either her or her husband.
The process server attempted to serve my mother at my home, since this is considered her mailing address. He said that he has to attempt to serve it a few more times before he can serve it to someone other than the party. I said she was in a nursing home.
My questions are: Do I have to accept this service? More importantly, should I or should I refuse service? I do not want them trying to serve my Mother in the nursing home. She is very ill, very easily upset, and completely imobile due to this illness. But, if I do refuse will they locate her in the nursing home and try to serve her? Am I in any way liable for my Mothers' debts? I have her power of attorney as she is unable to sign for anything. My Mother was diagnosed in 1997 with ALS and was given 1-2 years to live. She has outlasted all expectations but have no idea if she will go in months or years. Can you help?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_of_process Maybe this will answer some of your questions. I don't know how it affects you as you have power of attoney. But if you accept it a response is expected and you need to respond or a default judgement will be rendered against your mother. If you know the company, you could contact them and explain that your mother is terminally ill and has no assets.
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