Election sign

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:confused:i am renting a pice of land that our moble home is seting on and it is eliction time here in our county ,one of the guys that is running for shriff put a sign in my yard well to make a long story short the landlord and his uncle dont like the guy and heck i dident know well now thay want me my wife and 2 kids to move because of it whitch is childish and stupid i am never late with land rent and pay 3 weeks at a time even thoe i got laied off i still make the bills and dont bother anyone and thay know we dont have the money for a move , i feel like my rights have been violated can someone plz Help me on what to do in this matter.:confused:
You have the right to place electioneering signs on the property you lease.
That is, if the lease doesn't prohibit it.
I doubt that is does.
You can take your landlord to court and sue him over this.

What will you receive?
Maybe a few dollars and the right to place the sign.
Most likely, however, the election will be over.
So, why hurt yourself and your family over this?

The landlord can't order you to take the sign down.
But, you are better off to take the doggone thing down.
You can discreetly tell the candidate that it was causing you trouble.
Tell him you'll vote for hi (if you plan to do that), but had to take the sign down to make your landlord happy!
That way you can continue to live peacefully in these difficult times.

But, if the guy gets elected, you've got a friend in the High Sheriff!!!

You also keep your meddling landlord off your back!
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