Rent, Utilities Electric servicr


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Tenant has left rental unit pn August first. I have yet to get notice from electric company that she took service out of her name. I am not sure what to do or can i do anything since service is not in my name. I am afraid that she will try to say that we were stealing her eletricity. There is a hot water and motion lights running in the property and she left all the lights on and two airconditioners running when she vacated while we were on vacation.
Tenant has left rental unit pn August first. I have yet to get notice from electric company that she took service out of her name. I am not sure what to do or can i do anything since service is not in my name. I am afraid that she will try to say that we were stealing her eletricity. There is a hot water and motion lights running in the property and she left all the lights on and two airconditioners running when she vacated while we were on vacation.

Your best bet might be to file a court action for abandonment.

You can obtain your forms from your local courthouse, or hire a lawyer to do it for you.

Once you secure the judgement in your favor, you can then put the electricity in your name.

If the electricity is in her name, she's burning her money, not yours!!!!

If you sense an emergency in the unit, leaking pipes, fires, etc.. You do have the right to enter under the theory of exigent circumstances.

Here you go:

What Should the Landlord Do if the Tenant Abandons the Premises | Dornish Law Offices, PC & Dornish Settlement Services, LLC

Pennsylvania Rental Laws

Legal Information - Tenants Rights - Housing and Shelter | PA - Your Online Guide to Legal Information and Legal Services in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Eviction Process: Download the Correct Notice Form.
Due to water running. She plugged the tub
We cant re rent until damages are repaired. Maybe 2 mod
I just dont want her to try to get us on the electric. I believe it is her responsibility to take it out of her name.
I am too busy to waste my time running to the mag and spending more of my money on her.
Legally can she do anything if we let it sit? Nobody is living in it and she did leave the keys so we have possession.
This woman has been a pita since she moved in Ahhhhh
Due to water running. She plugged the tub
We cant re rent until damages are repaired. Maybe 2 mod
I just dont want her to try to get us on the electric. I believe it is her responsibility to take it out of her name.
I am too busy to waste my time running to the mag and spending more of my money on her.
Legally can she do anything if we let it sit? Nobody is living in it and she did leave the keys so we have possession.
This woman has been a pita since she moved in Ahhhhh

People, especially tricksters, shysters, con-artists, and deadbeats can be unpredictable.
However, when they smell a way to make a buck, they tend to come running.
To eliminate her ability to further scam you, it would be best to file an action for eviction because of abandonment.
If you do otherwise, who knows what she might try?
That could mean claiming you ILLEGALLY evicted, and that she hadn't abandoned the unit.
Good luck.
Ok she left without giving 30 notice so can i do a ten day notice for nonpayment and abandoment? I sent the letter about abandoned belongings which is up on 18th could that count?
It was written word for word as the law states.

If you've followed the law, the court will review it, and order the eviction.
You'll get the rights to the property returned to you.
To expedite matters, see if you can get an emergency hearing (as in the next 24 to 48 hours), rather than waiting a month or more.

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