Naturalization, Citizenship eligible for American citizenship?

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I am a Canadian, but my father was an American. By 'was', I mean that in 1970 he applied for Canadian citizenship and was forced to give up his American citizenship by the American government. He actually had to go before a panel of people and sign forms saying that he was giving up his citizenship. From my understanding, he had no choice if he was going to proceed with his Canadian citizenship application. Shortly after, the US government dropped that requirement, allowing individuals to retain their citizenship and made it retroactive. My question is this - even though he formally gave up his citizenship because he was technically 'forced' to, would he be affected retroactively by the change in policy.

I've also heard something about the US government considered someone "once an American, always an American", but don't know how true that is.

I'd appreciate any information for those of you out there who are familiar with this area.
Perhaps this might help? How old are you?

From what I have read, the following may apply but check with the US Consulate:

Child born abroad to one U.S. Citizen parent and one non-U.S. Citizen:

(a) between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986 -- May be entitled to citizenship providing the U.S. Citizen parent had, prior to the birth of the child, been physically present in the United States for a period of ten years, at least five years of which were after s/he reached the age of fourteen.

(b) on or after November 14, 1986 -- may be entitled to citizenship providing the U.S. Citizen parent had been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for five years, at least two years of which were after s/he reached the age of fourteen. This period of physical presence must have taken place prior to the birth of the child.

Originally posted by Miette
I am a Canadian, but my father was an American. By 'was', I mean that in 1970 he applied for Canadian citizenship and was forced to give up his American citizenship by the American government. He actually had to go before a panel of people and sign forms saying that he was giving up his citizenship. From my understanding, he had no choice if he was going to proceed with his Canadian citizenship application. Shortly after, the US government dropped that requirement, allowing individuals to retain their citizenship and made it retroactive. My question is this - even though he formally gave up his citizenship because he was technically 'forced' to, would he be affected retroactively by the change in policy.

I've also heard something about the US government considered someone "once an American, always an American", but don't know how true that is.

I'd appreciate any information for those of you out there who are familiar with this area.
I was born in 1970, 7 months after my father revoked his citizenship. He meets all the requirements for physical presence in the US (came to Canada at 21 after living in the US all his life).
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