eluding police: license revoked without being notified. can i fight?

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New Member
Hello everyone,

Back in February i was convicted of eluding a police officer in the state of Nevada. I served four days in the local jail and did 80 hours of community service. The judge told me to take traffic school and to do 80 hours of community service, nothing else. After completing my service; to my understanding I thought my run in with the law was done and over with. Well just last week (June 10) I received a letter from the DMV stating that my license has been revoked for an entire year for eluding the officer. I had no previous word/warning that my license would be revoked. The only time I was aware of the case was when I opened the letter from the DMV myself (dated June 4th). Isn't the judge/court system supposed to notify me of any punishment to be received? Referring to getting my license revoked. So now that I cant drive I am fired from my job, cant get to my summer classes and have over 2000 in credit card bills with no means of transportation. I am in a huge hole here. ANY help will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!
The DMV and the court are two separate entities and operate under their own rules. It could be that an abstract of your conviction was sent to the DMV in NV and they suspended your license due to the offense for which you were found guilty.

Perhaps you should call the DMV and ask if there is a way to get a restricted license that allows you to go to and from work and/or school ... not sure if NV has that as an option or not.

- Carl
^^Thanks for your help. So what your basically saying is that I am at the court/DMV mercy right now? Nothing I can do? :(
^^Thanks for your help. So what your basically saying is that I am at the court/DMV mercy right now? Nothing I can do? :(
There is almost certainly a hearing mechanism you can avail yourself of. Contact the NV DMV or visit their web site to see how you might obtain a hearing on the suspension. It might be a moot point, but I suspect they DO have a hearing process.

- Carl
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