Emailed Threats

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I have an issue where my grandmother passed away and there has been arguing back and forth (mainly by email) between my mother and my uncle over who gets what, etc. In this constant back and forth battle, my uncle has been making extremely derrogatory remarks, and hinted at physical threats on my mother. Most recently, he had someone come collect a pistol that belonged to my grandmother (my grandmother lived with my mother), and made the comment by email not to worry, that he wasn't going to use it on her...yet. As sickening as all this is with their mother just passing, he is a very aggresive person and this has been recorded in his criminal record and makes me think it is a legit threat if he feels the need to act on it. We have tried just blocking his email addresses, but of course he just created a new one to send from. We would contact his ISP, but I am sure he would still find a way to make these derrogatory and harrasing remarks/threats. There has been a history of issues between them, and I do not want to wait for this to escalate into something life threatning. Any advice on how I should proceed? Thank you for any advice or information that you can provide.
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