emailing a photo to an ex-boyfirend

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My ex-boyfriend is currently threatening me regarding an email I sent him. The history is that he is an end stage alcoholic, that I am trying to cut out of my life. This past year he spent 1 month in rehab and 6 months in jail. I had at one point taken a picture of him when he was passed out when I was trying to take him to the rehab facility. At the time I was only trying to show him how bad he was. He recently relapsed, back in the er, and since driven me crazy enough with his confabulations to send him the picture of him via email, to prove a point, because he refuses medical help. He was nude in the picture, as he had passed out while trying to shower. It was only sent to 6 of his however many email addresses.
He states I have committed felony, and that he's going to the states attorney. I live in Missouri and he resides in Indiana.
Have I committed that, and should I seek legal representation. I know my best action is not to engage this man, but who knows what he would do next.
If he is over 18 you did nothing wrong. There is no crime, don't sweat it. I personally would cut all communication with him entirely. If you can't do that, I would see counseling for yourself. Good luck.
He is well over 18 years. He threatened prosecution again this morning. Should I still not be concerned due to the fact we are in two seperate states? Said "I'm going to jail in one of his crazy voice messages.
curious_to_know said:
He is well over 18 years. He threatened prosecution again this morning. Should I still not be concerned due to the fact we are in two seperate states? Said "I'm going to jail in one of his crazy voice messages.
Stop communicating with him.
Those threats stem from his use of whatever stuff gets him high.
Just avoid him.
When people get high, they are unreasonable and ridiculous.
He has nothing in you, so stop dealing with the bum.
He is well over 18 years. He threatened prosecution again this morning. Should I still not be concerned due to the fact we are in two seperate states? Said "I'm going to jail in one of his crazy voice messages.

You should not be concerned because you have not done anything illegal.
Had you sent the photos to other people then perhaps there could be some kind of civil issue... but as for what you describe here... don't sweat it.

Ignore him.
If your attending Alanon and working your program you know what you need to do. Ignore him and his threats and block all his email addresses from contacting you. Long as he has you to focus on he will not get help for himself. don't make things easier for him to fail. My husband is a sober alky of nearly 24 years now. he has worked with others both as a fellow AA member and in several rehabs as paid counselor. I showed him this post he agrees you need to wash your hands of him and focus on your own program
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