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New Member
I have a few questions about the most objective way to becoming emancipated.
If I hold a job with steady income, go to college (but am still under the age of 18, take note), have no criminal record or strikes (haven't even been encountered by a cop), have multiple character witnesses that'd be more than willing to give their account of "who I am" what other things might be smart to do in order to win an emancipation?

After emancipation, do I have the right to take "my" things with me? (meaning the things I've paid for out of my own pocket.)

I've thought very seriously about this decision and have decided that I can provide everything I need for myself and still have a financial surplus to save for a rainy day (which I think is important).

Any additional suggestions? I'm trying to do my homework before I actually commit to this.
Not to mention, what are your reasons for wanting emancipation and how do you plan to support yourself if your petition is granted? (Note; you will have to have a workable plan in place BEFORE you apply - I'm not being obstructionist.)
I'm 8 months away from turning 18; my reasons for wanting emancipation is my parents are threatening to take away my methods of transportation (that I paid for) and making my quit my job; as well, they've been interrupting my school work and thus my grades are decreasing.
That with a hostile environment makes it too much for me to live here.
I've planned a budget on my monthly income. I've taken into consideration rent, utilities, food, necessities, emergency occassions like a blown tire, etc. I've come to the conclusion that with my job I can sustain myself just as well as my parents.

EDIT: I live in Washington state.
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I seriously doubt that a judge will consider that a valid reason to emancipate you. I'm not being negative; just telling you the plain truth.

Emancipation, on the rare occasions that it is granted, is based on NEED. As a poster on one board put it, "My parents are limiting what I want to do" is not a valid reason for emancipation. "My parents were killed in a car crash and I need the status of a legal adult so that I can take care of my two younger siblings" would be.

Emancipation is not and never was designed to allow minors to move out of the house. It was and is designed as a way to provide those minors who, for one reason or another, find themselves completely on their own and need legal adult status to survive.

Nor is emancipation a cakewalk. Of the literally hundreds of teens I have seen on this and other boards looking for emancipation, ONE has successfully achieved it. I seriously suggest that you read his blog before you go any further.

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