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New Member
Hello I'm 17, and I'm thinking about seeking emancipation. My step dad has been abusive torwards my mother since they were married 8 years ago, physically and mentally. His temper is outragious and mentally abusive to me, I live in fear. I have been diagnosed with depresion for years now and have been to mental facilities twice for hospital care due to suicidal feelings. My dad has always been mentally abusive about my weight and is always trying to get me to lose more, and no I'm not fat. He led my mom into a eating disorder after their divorce. I have hit my last straw, and I really want to seek for emancipation.
Yes I have talked to my mother, trying to get her to leave him, and none of this has worked. So I gave up, after many tries to talk sense into her. I have seen minors chewed out on this site for asking about this; I really don't want to be chewed out because I'm upset enough as it is.

I have no criminal backround except for a traffic ticket for driving on the wrong side of the street(turned onto a one way...).
I have a job right now, its part-time but could very well be switched to full time.

please help me out?
What is the age of majority in your state? If it's 18, then it's pointless to even think about emancipation. You would probably turn 18 before completing the emancipation process.

In order to become emancipated in most states, you will have to show that you can completely support yourself; i.e., have a job, have an apartment, have a plan to graduate high school, etc. You may also need your parents' permission.

You can and should speak with a school counselor or a teacher if you are being abused.
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