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:confused:Im a 17 year old young lady, whose life is a complete messed up. i grew up in a family where i was passed around from parent to parent and delievered messages between them. During my life i was places with my grandma by my father and my mother really didnt like it. my whole life i was really confused on who my real family was. I grew up with my best friend Diane and her parents, and its very sad to say they are more my parents then mine could ever be. but i am very glad i had them otherwise i wouldnt be who i am now. I would really like to be emancipated but dont know how to go through with it all. my reasons are, my mother and father dont talk to me unless i talk to them and all i do is constantly fight with my grandma and i dont know how much more i can take. i dont have a job as of now but i am looking for one and i am going to start looking harder for one. i know it takes a lot to be emancipated but i grew up pretty much on my own anyways and i know what it takes to take care of myself along with others. If you have any advice on what i should do please let me know. i would really like some help
You have to have a job, and the ability to take care of yourself to be emancipated. My advice is to get a job, live with Grandma, bite your tongue and save your money. Good luck.
As previously stated you must "first" have a job. Emancipation is about "self" support so until you can show a Judge you are "self" suppoting this is not going to happen. Furthermore just for your information less than 1% of all petition for a teen emancipation are successful. Now if your still interested and think you can pull this off here is some reading material for you below

Kansas statutes provide:

Quoting Kansas Statutes, Section 38-108. - District court may confer rights of majority.

That the district courts for the several counties in this state shall have authority to confer upon minors the rights of majority, concerning contracts and real and personal property, and to authorize and empower minors to purchase, hold, possess and control in their own person and right, and without the intervention or control of a guardian or trustee, any goods, chattels, rights, interests in lands, tenements and effects by such minor lawfully acquired or inherited; and such minor shall have full power to hold, convey and dispose of the same, and to make contracts and be subject to all the liabilities incident thereto, sue and be sued, and in all respects to exercise and enjoy all rights of property and of contracts in the same manner and to the same extent as persons at the age of majority.

According to the ACLU of Kansas and Western Missouri,

Quoting Is there any way to be legally recognized as an adult even though I'm not 18?

Yes. In Kansas, everyone 16 or over or who is married is recognized as an adult in all matters relating to contracts, property rights, and liabilities - and has the capacity to sue or be sued.

Another way to gain legal adult status before you turn 18 is through emancipation. Emancipation means you are self-supporting, free from parental control, and you have all the rights and responsibilities that come with adulthood. In Kansas, if you are accompanied by someone over 21, you can apply for emancipation by filing a petition stating your age, that you have lived in Kansas for at least one year, and the reasons that you want to gain the rights and responsibilities of an adult. A judge may grant you emancipated minor status if he or she finds that you are of sound mind, that you can transact your own affairs, and that your best interest is promoted through emancipation.

Your county family court may be able to provide you with information on how to initiate an emancipation petition.
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