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I'm 14 I live in california and I want to be emancipated. I'm tired of my grandmother getting in the way of my stuff. Like if it's my isuse she gets in the way and starts babying me. And I'm tired of her yelling at me at 6 in the morning. And I Wan to live on my own. I can get a job, I will go to school, I can support my self. I'm on probation. But I have wanting to be emancipated.
You're not going to be emancipated. You haven't provided the slightest indication that you qualify.
I'm 14 I live in california and I want to be emancipated. I'm tired of my grandmother getting in the way of my stuff. Like if it's my isuse she gets in the way and starts babying me. And I'm tired of her yelling at me at 6 in the morning. And I Wan to live on my own. I can get a job, I will go to school, I can support my self. I'm on probation. But I have wanting to be emancipated.

No state will emancipate a 14 year old.

Emancipation is about need - it's not about young teens who don't like a parental figure yelling.

Look at yourself. You're on probation. You're 14. You need MORE adult supervision, not less.
I'm 14 I live in california and I want to be emancipated. I'm tired of my grandmother getting in the way of my stuff. Like if it's my isuse she gets in the way and starts babying me. And I'm tired of her yelling at me at 6 in the morning. And I Wan to live on my own. I can get a job, I will go to school, I can support my self. I'm on probation. But I have wanting to be emancipated.

LOL, on probation, huh. Okay, start by discussing emancipation with your friendly, caring Juvie probation officer. Your PO knows the judge, and your case, too. Call him or her and discuss your desires.
Oh sweetie, you're only 14 - there is no way you can get emancipated.
Actually, CA WILL emancipate a 14 year old, but only in extreme circumstances and only when they meet ALL of the other requirements. This little girl doesn't meet any of them, and is on probation besides. She doesn't have a prayer of being emancipated.
Sorry, but no court in CA will remotely consider emancipating a 14-year-old who does not get along with their guardian, cannot support herself (you can't legally work fulltime outside of very extreme circumstances), and is already on probation. Just ain't gonna happen.

In 4 years you can live on your own and do whatever you want to further torpedo your life. In the meantime, concentrate on following the rules, obey the law, and get good grades in school. If you want to one day impress a court and hope for emancipation at 16 or 17, you will need to become little miss responsible with good grades, a good attitude, and a steady (even if part time) job.
Emancipation is for children who "need" it not want it! You want this. Emancipation is about "self" support nothing in in your post suggest your self supporting! I will get a job wont wash you need a job and must have maintained or held that job for a good while. There is no legal job a 14 year old can get that would pay enough to self support. Last and most important is your on probation. This will tell Judge (as stated earlier) you need more supervision not less. I can tell you the National average for a successful Teen emancipation is less than 1%
I don't think I'm alone in seriously wishing that this teen gets some help.

It's not too late to change the course of your life, OP. But you're already on probation and you're 14 - you don't really have many "get out of jail free" cards left.
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