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My best friends daughter embezzeled 5,000.00 from her employer and was arrested. In an attempt to help my friend understand the law on embezzelment I researched the MS law on this topic. According to my research I found this charge to be up to 10 years in prison and/or up to a 10,000 fine. I understand the judge will decide this at time of sentencing. However, having never been in trouble and due to the circumstances surronding the crime she may get a reduced sentence/fine. My question is: will the fine be due at the time of the hearing or do they allow payments? My friend is not going to help her pay anything but would like to at least give her an idea of how this works. Her daughter has a 3 year old and if she can't pay a fine that must be paid that day she will go to jail. Her daughter seems to think she will be able to simply make payments. How does this work? Having never been though the court system my friend dose not know what to expect the day of the hearing. Thank you for your assistance.
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