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New Member
i was recently fired from my job at Sears for taking 4 games which amounted for $170. But for some reason my ticket says embezzlement. petty theft was first written down but later crossed out. i have court in 2 months and know nothign about the law. would anyone know an estimate of the fine, and would i be able to work for other companies. thanks.
No clue what the fine would be, or if it would be a fine. That would depend on the law of your (unidentified) state.

You can work for another company if the other company will hire you. The law does not forbid you from working elsewhere but does not require any other company to hire you, either.
what happened?

steven i read your post and the same thing happened to me. i think they put embezzlement on the ticket because you work there, if there is no other proff of theft then they can reduce it to petty theft. i believe that they charge hi and later reduce it to a lower crime if there is no other problem. i do believe that you may have to pay back 2 or 3 times more what you cost the company. email me or add me to your buddy list and tell me what happens.
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