emergency c-section due to auto accident

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Hi everyone, Approximately 2 years ago while driving my 3 daughters, my mother and myself to the zoo we were hit from behind. I was 9 mos pregnant. I started having contractions afterword, and some pain. Driver of other car found to be at fault by police. Went to the ER to have daughters and mother checked out. I went in also for the pain. Was immediately sent up to the Labor and Delivery..long story short..we kept losing my son's heartbeat after every contraction due to fetal distress, was given a emergency c-section. Delivering doctor even signed release from hospital papers "complications of pregnancy: emerg. c-section due to mva". I had 3 prior deliveries, all natural, no probs or complications with any. Had been to the doc two days prior for weekly checkup ...no probs or complications. Got a lawyer...now 2 years later the other drivers insurance company gave us our first "settlement" offer: $15,000. This is just for me, not for the others in the car as yet. I am just not sure if this is a good offer, hosp. bills alone were 6-8,000 bucks...HELP..I just dont think my lawyer has done enough or is pushing enough. It is going on 2 1/2 years, and I know they are drawing out just to get me to settle for nothing..any help would surely be great. I am in Missouri. I have searched the web for related lawsuits/settlements, but to no avail.

Thanks in advance,

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