emotional abuse / attacks due to asking for mandated 1/2 payment for children school

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I have been divorced for over a year, and I am having consistant altercations with my ex everytime I ask for his court mandated payment for half of the school/day care for the children. He come sback with personal attacks on my character and abusive manipulation of what caused the divorce in the first place, rehashing every event that led up to my filing for divorce ( the final starw was that he attacked me, claiming I initiated the attack, and I called thepolice. This, in turn led him to be put in jail).
It's a long story, with tons of information, but if anyone cares to listen and give advice, please help!
You no longer get along.
That's no surprise, is it?

That's why you're divorced.

I suggest you communicate through a neutral third party.

Stop communicating directly with each other.

The next time could end in something far more distressing.
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