Emotional Abuse, Disturbing Peace: Break the Lease?

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New Member
I currently live in an apartment complex in Florida. I was assigned a room in a 4/4 with 3 random girls; Each lease is individual. These girls are constantly disturbing me and interrupting the peace within the apartment. They say emotionally damaging things to me, and have threatened physical harm to me within conversations amongst themselves. I am worried about my security, my safety, and my well-being being in this apartment. The emotional stress from living in this apartment has caused me one hospital visit recently. I would like to transfer to another apartment within the complex to feel more secure, or even have the ability to get out of my lease. The manager in the office states that I must pay $175 to transfer to another room, and that this is not grounds for breaking the lease without penalties. Is there anything I can do in this situation? I do have proof of the hospital visit.
It is likely that simply having roomates that disturb you is not justification to allow you to break your lease with the risk of financial penalties.

Seems to me the easiest thing for you to do is to pay the money to transfer to another room with (hopefully) more peaceful roommates (or, hopefully, no roommates at all).

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