Emotional distress cases?

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Last July my 7yo son was diagnosed with Tcell all leukaemia, he was on day 3 of football camp when his mother and I noticed he wasn't acting right. That day he was rushed to childrens to begin his treatment. The youth league in which he also played soccer and tball has failed in every aspect to come through with any of his football gear such as jersey and all the extras that I payed for in full. I've asked for them 4 different times and now have asked for the refund of registration and gear with no response. The first 30 days in the hospital with my son I was asked everyday where his jersey was, granted they were not made yet at the time but he wanted his football jersey. It has been a year and I'm just fed up with this league, promised his jersey 6 months ago and still have not heard a thing from them. I have been blocked from the leagues Facebook page for a post that I made. It was not rude or had any vile language just a heads up about our situation. None of my messages are bring returned. It's football time again his team already has this year's jerseys and my son got to see his buddies wearing them at school already. While my son hasn't even gotten his from last year. This has me wanting to get my hands on someone but I have too much to lose in my situation. Do I have grounds for a case?

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If you paid for jerseys and equipment that you haven't received, you no doubt "have a case" for the payment to be refunded. That's all.

I hope your son is doing well.
Agreed. They aren't going to provide the jersey, for whatever reason. With many youth leagues the jerseys aren't kept anyway. They are borrowed and returned at the end of a season.
Regardless, if you paid for something and did not receive it first mail a letter demanding refund of what you believe you are owed. If they fail to respond after a couple weeks consider small claims court. However, before doing that review the league policies you agreed to when you registered and see what it says about refunds.
Why not have jerseys made for your child?

I'd be happy to kick in some money to help you buy him jerseys for every sport, and i bet you could even get professional and college athletes to sign them.

I have a couple former NFL and MLB players who I know would be happy to sign the jerseys, and I'd throw in a set of army BDUs signed by some soldiers from Fort Hood.

I'm sure any of this stuff would brighten his day.

Forget the stuff of the past, and focus on getting your kid healthy again.

Heck, I'll bet the league would even help you or yoru wife get the other kids to sign the jerseys.

I hope your child gets better, and is well enough to play sports next year and every year thereafter.

God bless.
Your child has a serious disease and you are worried about a sports jersey for a team he never played on and which wasn't even made at the time you asked for it? Seriously?

Read the rules for the league and when refunds might be issued. I would be surprised if one would be issued after the practices started, though they might have made an exception if you asked nicely under the circumstances.

If you paid separately for a jersey or other equipment you did not receive, what have you done to attempt to get these items, other than harass the league over Facebook before the jerseys even made been made? A year later, I'd just buy the kid a jersey from Sports Authority and call it a day.
I'm sorry to hear about your son's illness. It's so tough to watch your child go through something like that.

I agree with those who have said that at most maybe you could be refunded for fees paid, or extras you paid for that you didn't receive, IF it fell within the league's refund policy. But insisting on a jersey for a team on which your son never played, especially a year later, makes little sense when it would already appear that they don't intend to give him a jersey.

If your child is upset because his buddies got their jerseys and he didn't, then isn't this a good opportunity to explain to him WHY he didn't get a jersey, which is because he became ill before he ever had a chance to actually play on the team? You have been so upset about this issue that you've harassed the league on social media and now you're saying you want to "get your hands on someone". Tempering your own reaction, even if your anger comes from a place of hurting for your son because he feels left out, could go a long way toward helping him understand and learn that things don't always work out in life the way we hope and plan for them to. We do our children no favors by not helping them to understand that in the end, things don't always happen the way we want them to.

In the grand scheme of things, a sports jersey is such a small thing, especially for a child who has been in a fight for their life, and the family of that child.
I've attended 2 board meetings and had 2 phone conversations and until your dealing with anything remotely close to what I am you can shove your opinion up your ass until then. I could care less about it all but what my son feels and wants is top priority even if it is petty custom football gear with his name and number on that I paid a ridiculous price for. First year for his team that he's been on for 2 years prior to have customized gear.

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My son was fitted, gear was ordered, we were told it was available then it disappeared with no one knowing where it went. Funny you all feel like I'm being petty but have no clue what is going on, how we've been treated or the true wants of my child. Whatever my kid wants I'm going to try my best to make it happen.

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Respectfully, you have no clue what any of us have gone through or are going through in our lives either, for you to be able to say that "until you're dealing with anything remotely close to what I am".

When one of my children was a child, he suffered an accidental gunshot wound that could have killed him or left him paralyzed. I spent more than my fair share of time in a hospital, not knowing what the outcome might be. Fortunately, he pulled through.

Ten years later, my other son got sick and died. I didn't even have the chance to take him to a doctor to seek treatment, because it took him very suddenly. I found him dead in his bed one morning.

These are the experiences in my life that made me realize how petty and inconsequential so many things are.

I wish for good health and a long & happy life for your son.
Your only real legal option would be to sue in small claims court for the cost of the items you didn't receive, assuming you should have received them in the first place. Many times the cost of jerseys and gear is included in the cost of the registration for the league. Undoubtedly, the league has a policy for when it is will issue a refund. If you are past that deadline, the league keeps the money. A jersey may or may not have been made for any of the kids who signed up then dropped out. I can't imagine there is a little league coach hanging onto a jersey with some kid who was only on the team for 3 days' name on it. It might have been a nice gesture for the league to make your son a jersey in light of his illness, but none of us knows who placed the order, what they knew, or anything else. Bullying the league for a year online is not going to help your cause. I'm betting your emails have been blocked at this point.

If the jersey was an actual, separate purchase, your small claims case is stronger but it is still only going to get you back the cost of the jersey.

You can also try an apology for your behavior in the past and nicely explain to whomever does the ordering that it would mean a lot to your child if he could get one. See what they say.
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