Animal Injury, Dog Bite emotional distress

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I am at a loss for what to do with the emotional distress caused by our neighbors. It began 7 months ago with one of their dogs coming on to our property attacking our cat and my daughter was bit in the process of breaking them up. The owner and my son were present to break up the fight after her bite. The owner took the dog and we didn't report the bite nor found the dog to be dangerous to humans since it was the cat it wanted. Regretfully, not reporting it came back to bite us; the dog came back to attack the cat two months later with the other owner's dog as well. My husband shot one of the dogs with a bb gun on our property to frighten it back to its own property. The owner returned 30 minutes later with a dead dog that they found in their horse pasture. Police were called and we gave our side including the dog bite. They said don't beat yourself up because you have the right to protect your property. We have apologized over and over, but they won't speak to us. The newspaper printed a story on my husband shooting their dog with a bb or a 22 caliber, told the neighbors the dog was shot with a fire arm, our daughter was never bit, the dog was just a sweet dog on our property and my husband shot it because he was angry, pushed the city prosecutors press charges for property damage- class b misdemeaner. He had to read it in the paper because they got his name wrong, but corrected in the paper. They have attached an orange construction fence just on our property line (the neighborhood is built around their horse farm), attached signs that say "no firearms allowed on this property", and have maintained over the past 6 months. The sheriff won't do anything and say it is a civil matter. Our attorney says until the charges are dismissed we shouldn't pursue the fence issue. This entire ordeal has caused emotional distress beyond comprehension. Our neighbors hate us, we are visually singled out with the scarlett letter fence and signs, and this could go on for eternity. is this not harrassment? The purpose of the fence is to inflict pain and harm on us personally, so I don't understand why the police can't do something.
What can we do now to remedy this situation?
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