Emotional distress

Anxious kitten

New Member
New York

I have a question about an incident.
During a meeting, two professors and students ganged up on me. While I admit to poor behavior (messages that could be misinterpreted as being aggressive), they where sent after I asked to be left alone because I was stressed out.

The two students proceeded to continue their behavior, then when I responded with the texts, they told the professors without mentioning the stress. All four ganged up on me without checking my mental status. One in particular lied about the situation to make herself look better. Another (one of the professors ) pointedly tried to neg me.

I was already quite stressed and unstable, and no one asked if I was okay- even though I distinctly told the students I was stressed. The professors didn't ask either. Instead they continued this one sided attack and as a result, I attempted suicide and was hospitalized.

I would like to know if I have a case.
Thank you.

I have a question about an incident.
During a meeting, two professors and students ganged up on me. While I admit to poor behavior (messages that could be misinterpreted as being aggressive), they where sent after I asked to be left alone because I was stressed out.

The two students proceeded to continue their behavior, then when I responded with the texts, they told the professors without mentioning the stress. All four ganged up on me without checking my mental status. One in particular lied about the situation to make herself look better. Another (one of the professors ) pointedly tried to neg me.

I was already quite stressed and unstable, and no one asked if I was okay- even though I distinctly told the students I was stressed. The professors didn't ask either. Instead they continued this one sided attack and as a result, I attempted suicide and was hospitalized.

I would like to know if I have a case.
Thank you.
Please clarify what you mean regarding: "ganged up".

What did you say in your messages? Why do you expect Professors and fellow Students to "check" your mental state?
During a meeting, two professors and students ganged up on me.

Please explain exactly what "ganged up on me" means? In other words, what exactly did these folks do, and in what context did they do it?

I admit to poor behavior (messages that could be misinterpreted as being aggressive), they where sent after I asked to be left alone because I was stressed out.

So...after asking "to be left alone," you sent (to whom?) "messages that could be []interpreted as being aggressive." If you wanted "to be left alone," why would you do that? Don't you think that sending those messages was contrary to your request "to be left alone"?

All four ganged up on me without checking my mental status.

What exactly are you implying here? That folks can't confront you about admitted "poor behavior" without first "checking [your] mental status"? That's beyond absurd.

Another (one of the professors ) pointedly tried to neg me.

I'm not familiar with the word "neg" (except as an abbreviation of "negative" (i.e., a photographic negative)). I've never heard of it used as a verb. What exactly are you saying here?

All I really get out of your post is that some folks might have said some mean thing to you that made you feel less than special. Without some sort of clear description of these persons' actions, the only reasonable conclusion is that you have no valid legal claim.
Nope. After asking to be left alone I was silent. It was after the students pestered me that I became hostile. You know, like you tell people you're having a bad day and it's best to leave you alone...? Except you where suicidal instead.

The reason I expected them to at least check in is because I had called myself crazy in addition to noting that I'm having a hard time, AND that I'm stressed out, AND that I had asked to be left alone. Not to mention, my behavior was wildly out of character.

So it wasn't that someone said something that made me feel less special. I made it known that I was stressed.
I had also straight up mentioned to one of the students that their behavior was distressing me prior. Clearly. Unquestionably. But she continued her behavior up and until the meeting.

This is also prior to any 'aggression' .
Nope. After asking to be left alone I was silent.

Well...ok, but then how do you explain this: "I admit to poor behavior (messages that could be misinterpreted as being aggressive), they where sent after I asked to be left alone"?

Now, please address the other parts of my prior response and, in particular, explain what these folks actually did.

"Making it known that you are stressed" does not grant you any legal protections or rights.


I have a question about an incident.
During a meeting, two professors and students ganged up on me. While I admit to poor behavior (messages that could be misinterpreted as being aggressive), they where sent after I asked to be left alone because I was stressed out.

The two students proceeded to continue their behavior, then when I responded with the texts, they told the professors without mentioning the stress. All four ganged up on me without checking my mental status. One in particular lied about the situation to make herself look better. Another (one of the professors ) pointedly tried to neg me.

I was already quite stressed and unstable, and no one asked if I was okay- even though I distinctly told the students I was stressed. The professors didn't ask either. Instead they continued this one sided attack and as a result, I attempted suicide and was hospitalized.

I would like to know if I have a case.
Thank you.

Fortunately you survived your attack upon yourself.

Thank goodness, you're alive to recount the troubling attack you waged upon yourself.

If you haven't begun the process of psychiatric rehabilitation, I hope you'll investigate it, and enroll yourself ASAP.

No, you have no one you could initiate a lawsuit against, as you were attacked by yourself.

I pray you'll soon set out for a journey to being fully restored physically and emotionally.
"Making it known that you are stressed" does not grant you any legal protections or rights.

So true, but there are now a few exceptions.

One that is most troubling to me is the stress card (as in back off, I demand a time out) given to new army recruits.

These magical cards are placed in a recruit's pocket of her/his blouse.

If "sarge" has been too mean, yelled too loud, spoken too harshly, cursed at the tender dears; the recruit can whip out the card and that vile, evil, brutish "drill sergeant" must allow lil 'cruit time to sulk, brood, rest, and when lil 'cruit is ready; he/she can begin taking part in all them soldier games.

I'm alive today because of my drill sergeant in Basic, AIT, jump school, and the ranger course. Those men had been where I was headed, and their knowledge kept this lil 'cruit alive, allowing him to stay alive.

Sorry for digressing, but I find this trend distressing.

Stress isn't a broken shoelace, no empty parking spaces, stress is angry VC, NVRs, and ChiComs hunting you with the intent to kill you every day and night.
If the OP was in basic in the military when she "made it known that she was stressed" she has yet to make that clear.
I had also straight up mentioned to one of the students that their behavior was distressing me prior. Clearly. Unquestionably. But she continued her behavior up and until the meeting.

This is also prior to any 'aggression' .
What EXACTLY did they do? Do give us a conclusion...be specific, please.
I would like to know if I have a case.

The law does not give you a right to be free from stress. The law does not give you a right to be free from others saying mean things to you, shouting at you, or otherwise making you feel miserable, other than in a few specific situations not applicable here. The law does not generally make others responsible for your acts of self-harm. And for the most part the law does not impose a burden on others not related to you to look out for your interests. Once incident of people "ganging up" on you and saying things you don't like does not give you any legal claim. Moreover, you admit that you sent messages that might appear threatening, so you are not completely innocent in this chain of events either.

In NY, in order to successfully sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress or negligent infliction of emotional distress you must prove several thing you must prove more than just that you were stressed out by what others said to you. See the NYC bar page on emotional distress claims.
If the OP was in basic in the military when she "made it known that she was stressed" she has yet to make that clear.

I doubt that OP was in the military.

Because lil 'cruit would flip out that "back off, I'm stressed" card without hesitation.
Yes, they are. Go do some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. That's exactly what is taught.
I know what you're saying, but I posted a link to a case where someone else was found legally responsible for another's suicide. This IS a legal forum ;)

I have a question about an incident.
During a meeting, two professors and students ganged up on me. While I admit to poor behavior (messages that could be misinterpreted as being aggressive), they where sent after I asked to be left alone because I was stressed out.

The two students proceeded to continue their behavior, then when I responded with the texts, they told the professors without mentioning the stress. All four ganged up on me without checking my mental status. One in particular lied about the situation to make herself look better. Another (one of the professors ) pointedly tried to neg me.

I was already quite stressed and unstable, and no one asked if I was okay- even though I distinctly told the students I was stressed. The professors didn't ask either. Instead they continued this one sided attack and as a result, I attempted suicide and was hospitalized.

I would like to know if I have a case.
Thank you.

I have read this and your subsequent posts.

It is not the job of professors to "check up" on you, or act "in loco parentis".

Even if you are a minor taking college courses, it is not the job of professors to take care and look after you. It is not even the job of your advisor to look after you, or bring you chicken soup when you have a cold.

You have no legal case, and you need either time or therapy, as you currently lack the emotional maturity to live away from home, doing grown up things.

The reason I expected them to at least check in is because I had called myself crazy in addition to noting that I'm having a hard time, AND that I'm stressed out, AND that I had asked to be left alone. Not to mention, my behavior was wildly out of character.

These two statements are contradictory - (1) you had asked to be left alone but (2) you expected them to at least check in...

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